Jewelry Blog

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The Months Behind Jewels

Many people think jewels are there to shine and add a sparkle to your look simply, but many people don’t pay much attention to the month they represent. For starters, Garnet represents January, the first month of the year. It is a deep red gemstone with strength and protection. In some way, this stands for a healthy year. February’s birthstone (also meaning the stone represented that month.) is Amethyst, a purple stone representing royalty, passion, and hope. The next month is March and its birthstone is an Aquamarine, which looks like the color of water. The color of the gem is known to represent honesty, loyalty, and beauty. After March comes April, which has the most popular gem, the Diamond. Diamonds are colorless and are a symbol of everlasting love while they also represent courage, balance, and strength. Then there was May, which is represented by Emerald, a very popular gem. Emeralds are known to be the gemstones for promoting pure relationships, friendship, and unconditional love. Next up is June, the month summer break starts, and it is represented by Pearl. “Pearls are known to symbolize faith and innocence”(La Kaiser, 2021) In some ways, Pearls also bring us closer to the earth when we wear them because they come from the earth. Following Pearls is one of my favorite gems, Ruby. Ruby represents the month of July. This red gem symbolizes loyalty as it has been a part of many royal houses and is also considered a very precious stone. Next, August is represented by Peridot and it is said that it helps calm you down. Following August is September, the month of the Sapphire which is September’s gemstone. Sapphire is said to release tension and stress. Now October’s gemstone is Opal which is a white gem, associated with mystery and creativity. The month of November is represented by the Citrine, a translucent yellow gemstone. Citrine is used to represent a healthy body and mind. Last but not least is December, the month of the Blue Topaz. Of course, while the name gives off the color, the Blue Topaz is considered to recharge and energize the body and enhance forgiveness, joy, happiness, and truth. In some way, these Birthstones all connect to the months that they represent and to each other.

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